Friday, April 20, 2012

Cashmere for the ears.

Hey Blog World!
So, this blog is for my own sanity. 
It's a Friday night and
I'm in my apartment working on this stupid Articulation notebook, 
 extremely stupid Statistics,
and studying for the overwhelming Speech Science final. 
I kinda teared up as I typed that last sentence.
I'm in the last inning!
2 more weeks! 2 more weeks! 2 more weeks!
I can see the finish line!
The semester from HELL is almost over!
Give a little HOO-RAH for me! 
I DID tear up typing this! 
Y'all just don't know.
So, if you didn't know this, I'm a HUGE music person.
Like, I love music. ]t
You know, the music you can roll your windows down, turn it all the way up, put ya sun shades on, and just drive. 
Good feelin', easy listening...
 Like cashmere for the ears. 
 Love. Love. Love it. 
And I spend a small fortune in iTunes each week. 
So, I want to do a blog on my favorite music as of RIGHT NOW...
So, my Top 10 Favorite songs of all time:

 All of these links work, so PLEASE check them out! 
AWESOME music!
But, here's what's in my CD player in my car right now, and I just can't take it out...

11-24. Adele
Love her. 

This is my every-day, stress-relieving playlist.
A little pop, a little oldies, ALOTA goodness.
 I LIVE for those chill-bumps you get during that perfect two-part harmony.
Oh, heaven. 
And you know that amazing feeling you get after a reallllllly good song?
Am I the only one?
I sure hope not. You're missing out.
The bridge in "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry is a great example.
Or the chorus in "Until You" by Dave Barnes.

Well, I've gotta get back to studying. 
Finals are in two weeks.
And when FINALS are OV-ER, be ready for a blog that will blow your socks off. 
No, seriously. I've got a bomb-shell.

Hope you enjoy this music as much as I do!
